
As easy as pie!

How it works

This website uses an API from Spoonacular to generate meal plans.

Building a meal plan

Creating a meal plan with BiteBuilder is straightforward and user-friendly. Here's how it works:

  1. User Input: Enter your daily caloric target on our website.
  2. API Request: We send your caloric target to Spoonacular's API.
  3. Meal Plan Generation: Spoonacular generates a meal plan that closely matches your target.
  4. Display: We process Spoonacular's response and display your personalized meal plan, complete with detailed nutritional information.

Generating a recipe

Viewing and cooking a recipe is just as easy:

  1. Recipe Request: When you select a recipe, we send two requests to Spoonacular—one for the recipe instructions and one for the ingredients.
  2. Response Processing: We receive and process the responses from Spoonacular.
  3. Display: The recipe instructions and ingredients are presented in a clear, easy-to-read list.